This full body massage is effective in enhancing blood circulation, alleviating pain, relieving tense nerves and muscles, thus relaxing the body. (Duration 50 minutes)
Two masseurs perform this full body treatment in synchrony. ?Abhyanga induces relaxation, improves eyesight, decreases high blood pressure and eliminates toxins. (Duration 50 Minutes)
This treatment purifies the head and energizes all the senses. Nasyam helps to remove microcytic elements by the application of medicated oils into the nasal passage. It stimulates the nerves, tissues and provides relief from migraines, sinusitis, chronic colds and chest congestions and induces sound sleep. (Duration 45 minutes).
During this treatment medicated oil is poured in an even stream on to the forehead continuously, from a prescribed height through a specially devised apparatus. ?Besides diminishing the effects of ageing, Sirodhara, is also effective for improving memory, curing paralysis, migraines, general anxiety and insomnia. ?This treatment is highly recommended for its rejuvenative and revival powers. (Duration 1.30 hrs.)
The whole body is gently massaged with medicated powders prepared with various herbs. This helps to reduce the fat content of the body, betters blood circulation and eases joint-pains. ?The most promising effect is the slimming of the person?s body. (Duration 40 minutes )
The head and shoulders are given a mild massage after which a medicated paste is applied on the head. ?It gives a feeling of coolness and relaxation of all sensory organs. (Duration 50 minutes).
Aims to offer relief to those suffering from eye ailments by applying special eye drops in and around the eyes, which is also encircled by a specially prepared medicated paste. This results in improved vision and strengthening of the eye tissues. (Duration 25 minutes)
Warm herbal medicated oil is retained for about one hour within a closely fitted cap around the head, thus allowing the scalp to soak in the therapeutic oil. This treatment is highly effective for migraines, back and spine problems, sinusitis, chronic colds, facial paralysis and hallucinations. ?Sirovasti is highly recommended for a general sense of well being. (Duration 1.30 hrs)
This massage protects from illness and builds up your immunity for a healthy life. ?It gives a multitude of relief ? from easing of rheumatic or joint-pains, to strengthening the muscles, nerves and tissues, arresting the ageing process and de-toxifying of the body can be achieved through Pizhichil. ?The body is massaged lightly with pieces of linen dipped in warm medicated oils, squeezed over the entire body in a special rhythm. (Duration 1.30 hrs.)
We aim to enhance the smoothness of the body and make the skin glow through a mixture of
orange juice and fragrant oils, which are gently massaged into the skin. (Duration 50 Minutes)